
School Hours



8:45 am
School Starts​
​8:50 am - 10:50 am
​Morning Session
​11:30 am - 1:35pm
​Middle Session
​2:00​ pm - 2:55 pm
​Afternoon Session
​2.55 pm 
​School finished

​Parade – A whole school parade is held every Friday morning commencing at 8.50 am in the school hall.  Parents and friends are most welcome to attend parade.

Fruit and vegetable break

To support the promotion of healthy eating a fruit/ vegetable break​ is held every day. During 1st session, at approximately 10:05 am, children will stop work and have a small fruit or vegetable break. To encourage and support healthy eating, only a piece of fresh fruit or raw vegetable will be eaten at this time.  Children will not be able to access the tuckshop during this time.  No other type of food will be permitted.  Please support this health initiative by sending a piece of fruit or raw vegetable each day.

Arriving at school

The school day officially commences at 8.45 am. It is preferred that children do not arrive at school until 8.30 am.  Children who arrive prior to 8.30 am must sit in the old play shed opposite the Administration building. It is important to be punctual and to start the day on time and organised. 

When students come into the classroom, they are expected to be responsible for their own belongings. Please encourage your child to follow the routine outlined by the teacher. This routine may include:

  • putting their bag into the port racks.
  • putting tuckshop in the box and banking in the bank folder.
  • putting fruit break and water bottles in the designated areas.
  • putting library books or home readers in the appropriate boxes.
  • going to the toilet before the starting bell rings.
  • having a sharp pencil ready.

Departure from school

School officially finishes at 2.55 pm and all children need to be out of the school grounds by 3.25 pm (last bus) unless they are at Outside School Hours Care. Children still at school at 3.25 pm are asked to report to the school office. Parents are asked to make clear arrangements for picking up children, including where to wait within the school grounds if being collected by an adult or older sibling. 

Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day unless they are accompanied by a parent/caregiver and signed out through the school office.

Prep departures

For the first month of prep we recommend that parents collect children from the classrooms.  This provides the prep teachers with an opportunity to talk to you and will help your child settle in school.

If you know that you are going to be late, please contact the school office and notify them of your delay. A child can quickly become distressed when it’s time to go and no one is there to collect them.  If your child is catching the bus we suggest that an older sibling or student on the bus comes to collect them.

Early collection of students /late arrivals

If your child arrives at school after the first bell they must come through to the school office to sign the Late Arrivals Register. They will be issued with a slip to give to their class teacher.

If you need to collect your child early from school please report to the school office. The office will then contact the classroom for your child to come and meet you.

Last reviewed 24 August 2023
Last updated 24 August 2023