
Rules and policies



Accident insurance cover for students

Emergency procedures


Head lice

Infectious diseases


Student dress code


Mobile Phones / electronic devices

Religious education in school hours

Sickness / accidents


Sun safe

Toys at school

Absence from school

Attendance is compulsory, however when a student is absent, verification of the absenteeism is required from the parents or legal guardian. This may be in the form of a note, telephone call or visit to the school. Unexplained absences in excess of 2 school days are investigated and if appropriate, reported to the police. Where a prolonged absence is anticipated (such as a holiday), notice to this effect is required.

Student dress code

One Mile State School Dress Code Policy (PDF, 144KB) is in accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006. 

Accident insurance cover for students

Some school activities and physical education, particularly contact sports, carry inherent risks of injury.

Parents are advised that the department does not have Student Accident Insurance cover for students.

If your child is injured at school as a result of an accident or incident, all costs associated with the injury, including medical costs, are the responsibility of the child, parent or caregiver.

Some incidental medical costs may be covered by Medicare. If parents have private health insurance, some costs may also be covered through the private health insurance. Any other costs would be borne by the parents.  Student Accident Insurance is an insurance policy that pays certain benefits in certain circumstances should your child have an accident.  It is a personal decision for parents as to the types and levels of private insurance they arrange to cover their child for any accidental injury that may occur.

Parents should contact their insurer or an approved Australian insurance broker for more information about student personal accident insurance cover for their child.

Emergency Procedures

Emergency procedures are practiced during the school year.

In an Emergency students MUST follow the instructions of staff.

Try to stay calm. Be helpful. 


Parents/Carers are not permitted to discipline any child whilst on school grounds.  Please refer any grievances to the Principal. The school Complaints Management Process is available in the school website support and resources section or on request from the school office.


Unfortunately, at times, we have an outbreak of head lice in our school.  It is our policy to notify parents to come and collect their children and treat them, if we suspect they may be affected. In cases where parents can’t be contacted, students will be isolated in the health services room until they are collected. Head lice notification is forwarded home. This policy is supported by our school P & C.

Infectious Diseases

Below you will find for your information a list of Infectious diseases with advice on exclusion periods.  However, this is only a guideline and you must seek your doctor’s advice at all times.

Exclusion Period


Carriers are not to be excluded from school.

Chicken Pox:

Exclude for at least 5 days after the first appearance of the rash & the last blister has scabbed over.  (Some remaining scabs are not a reason for continued exclusion.)


Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased.


Please contact the Principal.

German Measles:

Exclude for at least 4 days after the rash first appears.

Glandular Fever:

Students should return to school only on the doctor’s advice.

Hepatitis A and B:

Please contact the Principal.


Exclude for at least 4 days after the rash first appears.


Exclude for 9 days or until swelling goes down.

Ringworm, Scabies, Head lice:

If suitably covered and treated, or after medical advice, the child may attend school.

Scarlet Fever:

Exclude for 3 days or until symptoms subsides.  The school must be notified of an infection.

School Sores

Exclude until day after approved treatment has commenced.  Sores should be suitably covered

General: Your child should be immunised against such communicable diseases as Measles, Mumps, Poliomyelitis, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough before they enter school. If this is not the case please see your local doctor for advice on the nearest free clinic.  If you choose not to immunise your child, should an outbreak of an Infectious disease occur in the school, your child will be excluded for the entire exclusion period.

Jewellery Policy

Acceptable items are:

  • One small plain ring.
  • One plain ear-stud or sleeper with no pendants attached in each ear. No necklaces unless of medical significance.  No piercings are to be worn on any other part of the body.
  • One watch.

All jewellery is to be taken off for safety reasons during PE and sport classes.

Students breaking this policy will be in breach of the school dress standards.


Throughout the year students may require prescribed medication which has to be administered during the school day.  For most, this is only for a short time, however some students require medication on an ongoing basis.

To minimise inconvenience to parents, school staff will administer prescription medication under certain circumstances.  Non-prescription medication such as Panadol and cough mixture cannot be administered by school staff.

Parents must complete a Student Medication Authority Form in all cases where they wish school staff to administer medication.

Medication, with the pharmacist’s written instructions on the container, must be lodged with the school office for safety and security purposes.

Administration times should coincide, as much as possible, with the commencement of first break at 10:45am and afternoon tea at 1:30pm.  Students are to report to the office immediately after they are dismissed from class for lunch.

In cases where students do not report for their medication at the appointed time, office staff will follow this up as soon as practical.  In some cases this may mean calling the class teacher as soon as class resumes at 1:55pm and asking for the student to be sent to the office.

If the actual time the medication is taken is critical and can not be delayed for up to one hour, this needs to be specified in writing by the prescribing doctor, along with specific instructions for managing the student should a delay occur for any reason.

Mobile phone / electronic device policy

Students should not bring mobile phones or electronic devices (eg mp3 players etc) to school.  Mobile phones must be left at the school office should parents/carers require their son/daughter to bring a phone to school. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss/damage of mobile phones/electronic devices should this policy not be adhered to.

Religious instruction in school hours

The Gympie Ministers Fraternal organises and conducts religious instruction classes at the schools throughout Gympie.  Religious instruction (RI) is offered at the school and is conducted one afternoon each week.
Arrangements for program The faith groups that provide religious instructors to deliver an authorised program are listed below: Authorised program details-
Cooperative program Participating faith group/sAnglican ParishApostolic ChurchGympie Christian FamilyLighthouse Christian ChurchBaptist ChurchesChurch of ChristGympie Community ChurchLutheran ChurchRiver of LifeSalvation ArmyUniting Church Mary ValleyUniting Church GympieWesleyan Methodist GympieWesleyan Methodist Mary ValleyWesleyan Methodist CooloolaPresbyterian ChurchCatholic ChurchTin Can Bay Community ChurchChristian Outreach Centre Shared Aims and Goals:1. To present to students clearly simply and graphically, the basic content of the Christian Gospel as set out in the Bible.2. To teach so that children know the Gospel and also see its relevance in daily living; that they become aware of the importance of a personal response to Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour.

Parents of child/ren participating in these programs will be advised if a faith group requires funds to cover the expense of materials used in RI.Students are allocated to RI based on information provided by parents on the completed Application for Student Enrolment unless other written instructions have been provided to the school. Students who are not participating in RI will be provided with other instruction in a separate supervised location. Other instruction must relate to part of a subject area already covered in class and may include, but is not restricted to:• wider reading• personal research • revision / homework tasks 

Religious instruction in our school is non-denominational (of no set religion).

Please note that Religious instruction lessons are not offered to prep students.

Sickness / accidents

In the case of persistent sickness or an accident, if a parent can be readily notified by telephone, this will be done promptly so parents can collect their sick child.  If injuries appear too severe to allow the above procedure, the child will be transported to the public hospital by ambulance for treatment. Suitable arrangements will be made to notify parents of the action taken. If a parent cannot be contacted by telephone, the school will decide what course of action will be taken. The school does not assume responsibility for any costs incurred.


Government regulations state that smoking is not permitted anywhere on school premises at any time.

Sun safe policy  

One Mile State School supports a sunsafe policy via our ‘no hat, no play’ policy.  Children are expected to wear a broad-brimmed hat at all times when outdoors.  No other type of hat is suitable under our sun-safe policy. Children who do not wear a broad brimmed hat during outdoor activities will be directed to a sun-safe area eg. shaded area.  All children must wear a sunshirt when participating in water activities.  Parents are required to provide a sunshirt for their child. Children will not be permitted to participate in water activities unless they wear a sunshirt.  (Education Queensland Policy).   

Toileting accidents

If you think your child may have an accident at school please leave a plastic bag containing a change of clothes including underwear in their bag. If deemed necessary parents may be contacted to collect their child from school to attend to their toileting needs.

Toys at school

Children are not to bring personal toys/electronic devices (MP3 players, trading cards etc) to school. Should a child bring any of these items, the school takes no responsibility if they are lost or damaged.

Last reviewed 22 February 2021
Last updated 22 February 2021